1. All refers to three or more items. It is used mostly before plural and uncountable nouns.
1-الكل تشير إلى 3 أشياء أو أكثر. تستخدم غالبا قبل الجمع والغير معدود.
◇All children need love.
◇I love all music.
◇All the invitees turned up.
■When all is followed by a plural noun, the verb is normally plural. After an uncountable noun, we use a singular verb.
⧫عندما يتبع الكل باسم جمع يأتي الفعل في صيغة الجمع , بعد الاسم الغير معدود نستخدم الفعل في صيغة المفرد
◇All cheese contains fat.
◇All the lights were out.
■All + noun is not normally used as the subject of a negative verb. We more often use the structure not all + noun + affirmative verb.
⧫الكل +اسم لا يأتي عادة كفاعل لفعل نفي , نستخدم عادة فعل +اسم +not all
◇Not all birds can sing. (NOT All birds cannot sing.)
2. All and All of
الكل والكافة
■Before a noun with no determiner (possessives, articles and demonstratives) we use all.
قبل اسم بدون "محددات" (الملكيةوأدوات التعريف وأسماء الاشارة ) نستخدم all.
◇All children need love.
◇All cheese contains fat.
◇All lights were out.
■Before a noun with a determiner (the, my, this etc.), all and all of are both possible.
قبل الاسم مع محدد (the, my, this الخ)
◇All the lights were out.
◇All of the lights were out.
◇I have invited all my friends to my birthday party.
◇I have invited all of my friends to my birthday party.
■Before a personal pronoun (us, them etc.) we use all of + object form.
قبل الضمير(us, them الخ) نستخدم all of + صيغة المفعول
◇All of us love music. (NOT All us love music)
◇I have invited all of them. (NOT I have invited all them.)
3. All with nouns and pronouns
الكل مع الأسماء والضمائر
■All can modify nouns and pronouns. We normally place it before the noun/pronoun.
All تغير أو تعدل الأسماء والضمائر.عادة نضعها قبل الأسماء/الضمائر.
◇I have invited all (of) my friends.
◇All of us love music.
◇I love all of you.
◇All of us are going to the movies.
■We can put all after pronouns used as objects.
نستطيع وضع All بعد الضمائرللمفعول .
◇I love you all. (= I love all of you.)
◇Give my love to them all. (= Give my love to all of them.)
◇I have made you all something to eat. (= I have made all of you something to eat.)
○Note that all cannot be put after pronouns used as subject complements.
◇Is that all of them? (NOT Is that them all?)
4. All with verbs
4-الكل مع الأفعال.
■When all refers to the subject of a clause, it can go with the verb.
When the verb consists of just one word, and that word is not a form of be (is, am, are, was, were), all is placed before the verb.
◇They all came. (All + other verb)
◇We all love music. (All + other verb)
■When the verb is a form of be, all is placed after it.
عندما يكون الفعل أحد مكونات be -all يأتي بعده
◇You are all welcome. (be + all)
◇We were all invited. (be + all)
■When there are two auxiliary verbs, all goes after the first.
عندما يوجد فعلان من الأفعال المساعدة all يأتي خلف الفعل الأول
◇They have all gone home. (Auxiliary verb + all + other verb)
◇They have all been told. (Auxiliary verb + all + auxiliary verb + other verb)
○Note that these meanings can also be expressed by using all (of) + noun/pronoun.
♧All of them came.
♧All of us love music.
♧All of you are welcome.
♧All of us have been invited.
♧All of them have gone home.