الجمعة، 23 نوفمبر 2018

Already, just and yet

🔗1. Already is used to talk about something that has happened sooner than expected. It shows surprise.
Already تستخدم للتحدث عن شيء حصل في وقت أقل مماتتوقع ممايسبب مفاجأة

Just means exactly or very recently.
◇It is just one o’clock. (= It is exactly one o’clock.)
◇She has just arrived. (= Very recently)

◇She has already left. (= She has left but we weren’t expecting that she would leave so soon.)
◇She has just left. (= She left a moment ago.)

■Just can also mean only.
◇I just want a glass of water.
◇I just asked.

○Just is not used in questions or negative sentences.

🔗2. Position of just, yet and already

Already usually goes with the verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, already goes before the verb. If there is an auxiliary verb, it goes after the auxiliary verb.
Already عادة يأتي مع فعلاذا وجد فعل مساعد يأتي بعده أما اذا لم يوجد يأتي بعده. 

◇She already arrived. (NOT She arrived already.)
◇She has already arrived. (NOT She already has arrived.)
◇I have already finished.
◇Have you already finished?

○Yet usually goes at the end of a clause. It can also go immediately after not.
◇Don’t eat those mangoes - they are not ripe yet.OR Don’t eat those mangoes - they are not yet ripe.

الخميس، 15 نوفمبر 2018


➤A hot potato

Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed

➤Costs an arm and a leg

This idiom is used when something is very expensive.

➤Cross that bridge when you come to it

Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before.

➤Cry over spilled milk

When you complain about a loss from the past.

➤Curiosity killed the cat

Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.

➤Cut corners

When something is done badly to save money.

➤Cut the mustard, possibly derived from "cut the muster"

To succeed; to come up to expectations; adequate enough to compete or participate

➤Devil's Advocate

To present a counter argument

➤Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched

Don't make plans for something that might not happen.

➤Give the benefit of the doubt

Believe someone's statement, without proof.

الأربعاء، 7 نوفمبر 2018

Also, as well and too

Also, as well and too

🔗1. Also means 'besides', 'as well', 'too' and similar ideas. It normally goes in mid position with the verb. It is placed after auxiliary verbs and before other verbs.تأتي بعد الأفعال المساعدة وقبل الافعال الأخرى
The word also is used for adding another idea to something you have already said.
also تستخدم عند اضافة فكة أخرى الى عبارة سبق وذكرت 

◇He got his article published. He also won an award.
◇She is a doctor. Her husband is also a doctor.
◇When they withdraw their forces, we shall also withdraw ours.
◇Janaki is a keen photographer.

She also likes to paint.
◇Some tablet computers can also be used to make phone calls.
◇Meera is hard-working. She is also quite ambitious.
◇I want to buy a pair of trousers. I also want to buy a shirt.

🔗2. Also can also be used for showing that what you have said about somebody is true about another person.
also تستخدم لعرض ماقلت لشخص ما هو حقيقي عن شخص آخر.
◇Supriya is quite good at painting. Her sister is also an accomplished artist.
◇When also refers to the whole clause, it goes at the beginning.
◇I am not about to buy this house. It is small. Also, it needs a lot of repairs.

🔗3. Also, As well and Too

Also, as well and too have similar meanings. But they go to different positions in clauses.
As well and too usually go at the end of a clause.
Alsoas well and too لهم نفس المعنى ولكن لهم اختلاف في المواقع

◇She not only sings; she also plays the piano.
◇She not only sings; she plays the piano as well.
◇She not only sings; she plays the piano too.

●We do not normally use also in short answers and imperatives. Instead, we use as well and too.

◇'I have a headache.' 'I have too.' (BUT NOT I also have.)

●In an informal style, we use 'me too', instead of I am too.

◇'I am going home.' 'Me too.' (More natural than 'I am too.')

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